Wednesday, December 9, 2009

YAB Dato' Seri Najib, Inilah Luahan Hati Kami

Assalamualaikum Warramatullahi Wabaraqatuh.

Yang Amat Berhormat Dato' Seri Najib,

Dalam beberapa minggu lepas kami penyokong setia UMNO di ruang siber dikejutkan dengan khabar angin bahawa Khairy akan dilantik sebagai menteri atau timbalan menteri. Khabar angin tersebut juga ditulis oleh blogger senior Tunku Aisha.

Apabila mendengar khabar tersebut saya mengambil inisiatif untuk mengadakan forum terbuka dalam Facebook, bertempat di wall kepunyaan Kelab Penyokong UMNO dan saya pasti tidak memihak kepada mana-mana pemimpin tertentu.

Ramai para blogger pendokong UMNO mengambil bahagian dalam forum tersebut. Suka saya ingatkan YAB Dato' Seri bahawa mereka ini merupakan blogger yang menyokong UMNO atas inisiatif sendiri demi memperjuangkan dan mempertahankan parti.

Nama-nama mereka juga tidak asing lagi seperti Parpu Kari, Khairulnizam Mohd Kasim Anti-Hipokrit, Khairul Ryzal Cucu Tok Selampit, AloqStaq dan Kelab Chedet.

Selain itu beberapa rakan FB turut mengambil, dan mereka ini juga secara aktif terlibat dalam FB mempertahan parti. Antara mereka ialah Matahati Bangsa, Pak Kamaluddin Idrus dan saudara Fadzil Mohamad.

YAB Dato' Seri,

Berikut merupakan catatan dan pandangan blogger pendokong UMNO dari sesi forum tersebut.

YAB Dato' Seri,

Kesimpulan dari forum yang diadakan, tiada seorangpun peserta forum yang boleh memberi pendapat bernas mengapa Khairy perlu dilantik sebagai menteri atau timbalan parti. Malah majoriti berpendapatan bahawa memberi jawatan kepada Khairy sama seperti mengambil langkah melemahkan parti sekali lagi.

Tidak perlu dirisaukan mengenai reaksi penyokong Khairy jika beliau terus-menerus diketepi. Dalam ruang siber penyokong Khairy bukan sahaja tidak mempunyai kekuatan untuk menyokong UMNO, malah mereka langsung tidak mampu mempertahankan Khairy apabila dianjurkan soalan mengenai kerosakan yang telah dilakukan beliau.

Begitu juga di luar sana, Khairy tidak mampu menyatukan Pemuda. Lihat sahaja seminar yang bertempat di Janda Baik, hanya dihadiri oleh 1/3 sahaja perwakilan. Ini merupakan signal yang kuat bahawa Khairy masih lagi tidak diterima.

YAB Dato' Seri,

Saya mendokong penuh transformasi besar-besaran anjuran Dato' Seri, RAKYAT DIDAHULUKAN, PENCAPAIAN DIUTAMAKAN. Dengan adanya platform media ketiga, kami rakyat bawahan kini mampu juga bersuara.

Kami meminta agar Dato' Seri melihat sejenak ke belakang semasa PRU 2008. Antara sebab berlakunya penolakan besar-besaran terhadap BN ialah suara mereka tidak langsung kedengaran di pihak atasan.

Atas dasar RAKYAT DIDAHULUKAN, kami amat berharap Dato' Seri mengambil berat luahan dan pendapat rakyat mengenai Khairy, yang masih dilihat sebagai beban besar dan liabiliti kepada parti.

Berani saya katakan bahawa akan berlaku sekali lagi rombongan besar-besaran keluar dari parti jika Dato' Seri memberi sebarang jawatan kepada parti. Luahan ini boleh di baca di blog Tunku Aisha dan Parpu Kari.

Para blogger pendokong UMNO yang cukup cekal mempertahankan parti juga akan menjadi patah semangat apabila Khairy dilantik sebagai menteri atau timbalan menteri. Mereka akan rasa tertipu kerana kecekalan mereka pertahankan selama ini tidak dihargai jika beban besar seperti Khairy diangkat ke status lebih tinggi.

Tambahan pula lebih sukar untuk para blogger pendokong UMNO pertahankan parti jika Khairy diangkat menjadi menteri atau timbalan menteri. Ini adalah kerana nama Khairy cukup sinonim dengan rasuah dan salah guna kuasa semasa pemerintahan Tun Abdullah Badawi. Seperti kata Pak Kamaluddin Idrus:
Memberi jawatan kepada KJ samalah seperti memberi peluru kepada pihak lawan. Jangan rosakkan kestabilan UMNO kerana kepentingan dia.
YAB Dato' Seri,

Beribu ampun dan maaf jika luahan saya ini tidak mengena pada tempat. Demi memegang teguh kepada konsep satu Malaysia, RAKYAT DIDAHULUKAN, PENCAPAIAN DIUTAMAKAN, dan dengan adanya platform media ketiga, maka saya mengambil kesempatan untuk memberi pandangan yang mewakili pandangan blogger dan rakyat bawahan.

Sekian Wassalam.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Tun On History Channel

History Channel hasn't been selective. It's been documenting both heroes like Kennedy and Churchill as well as villains like General Noriega and Hitler, and I don't believe Tun Mahathir is classified as the latter.

On this coming Sunday History Channel 555 will air a special one hour documentary about Tun Mahathir. The schedule is as below:

Sunday 15, 7pm - 8pm, Part 1
Sunday 22, 7pm - 8pm, Part 2

Pssssttttt .... exactly at the same day and time Khairy TV will air a special program about Pak Lah entitled Gone In Four Years. Don't forget to watch the preview below!!!

I guess the Dollah's program is rather uninteresting and shall be wasting time. So tune to History Channel 555 on Sunday at 7pm. Let us see what the world says about Tun Mahathir.

Monday, November 9, 2009

One Liners About The Son-Out-Law

If KJ is an actor, it will be his best to play a traitor!

Not much I'm able to update about the late happenings concerning the son-out-law. From what I learned lately KJ has been purposely denied coverage by main stream media, in contrast to claims made by his troopers that KJ is favored by our Prime Minister.

What else the pathetic troopers could have said apart from writing all the beautiful words about the son-out-law. Should they fail to do that cash is no longer arriving at doorsteps. Psssttt ... even one trooper claimed sleepy Pak Lah had done a better job in his five years of reign compared to his predecessor.

Since there isn't much to say about KJ regarding his current development, why don't we simply come out with one liner jokes about the son-out-law. I've got a few here and perhaps my dear viewers may add a lot more. Here you go:

  • If KJ is a savior, Hitler is a God sent angel.

  • Give Khairy a few centimeters, and he thinks he is a ruler.

  • In sleepy Pak Lah we uncover his dream, in menacing Khairy we uncover his greed.

  • Obama rises to top from the bottom, Khairy comes from top and is now nose-diving down down down.

  • If KJ troopers took an IQ test, the result would be NEGATIVE.

  • The more KJ keeps on trying, the more he is unleashing the demons in him.

  • KJ will be few steps closer to Putrajaya after he receives SPRM's call.

  • The only thing shared by Wonderful World of Disney and Delusional World of Khairy is that the mermaids are deadly pretty! HI HI HI

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Jom Pi Rembau! For What Ma?

There has been a rather unfriendly response to Parpukari's article Jom Pi Jerlun. I will not mention where it came from but I reckon my dear viewers could have guessed it would come from one of the KJ's troopers.

It's indeed a dimwitted kind of response because it came from a self-proclaimed pro UMNO blogger. In addition, for what bloody good reason Mukhriz's program to boost economic activities in Jerlun is compared to KJ visiting flood victims.

Knowing that he himself was and still is a liability to his party, there is not much KJ could do to gain publicity or rather sympathy. Therefore KJ makes a full use of his cybertroopers to publish pictures and thus to create impression that KJ is fairly close to the people, HA HA HA.

Now I wonder why Khairy is not able to come up with the same program, Jom Pi Rembau. Perhaps the pictures below may provide the answer.

A rather "warm" welcome, HI HI HI.

Speaking of KJ's buddy.

Says Unker Zorro, "Cikgu Bad is my buddy, not Khairy"

Unfulfilled promises ..... IMMORAL MP!!!

Someone made a big fuss about bloggers and reporters boarding Firefly. Patut pun ... takde airport kat Rembau

Is there any home stay program in Rembau?

No home stay in Rembau, we all live under water, HA HA HA

Well Khairy, voice of hatred not only coming from blogs and FB, but in reality it also comes from your own constituency, HI HI HI.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

SSS Opens A New Promising Chapter

The crusade for having one school system (SSS) was first initiated by YM Kijang Mas of Demi Negara early this year. The campaign has since been fully supported by the noble knights of Demi Negara as well as the e-patriot community.

Recently SSS has caught the attention of our Prime Minister DS Najib himself. Even though DS Najib has been very cautious in making statement regarding SSS, ask the people as reported by The Star, do we the people have a concrete reason "beyond any argument" to say NO.

Related readings:

1. Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua - Kijang Mas

2. SSS: Is There A Reason To Say No - SatD

3. SSS - Ranjau Sepanjang Jalan - Unker Dal

4. SSS For Better Understanding - Melayu Lama

5. SatD Goes To Parliament - SatD (latest)

6. Bila Robin, NSulong ... Berkata - Unker Dal (latest)

7. Satu Aliran Bukan Mimpi - Kembara Politik (latest)

11. SSS Community

Show your support by signing the petition here, or simply click the above picture.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

KJ Jatuh UMNO Kukuh, KJ Belah UMNO Gagah

While discussing political matter within my FB circle suddenly my fellow knight brother Det Guaq came out with a ravishing tag line that goes perfectly well with our struggle to get rid of KJ the son-out-law:


Those words are too beautiful to the extent I'm genuinely inspired to write a pantun specially dedicated to the son-out-law, and it must carry the same title. Here it goes:

KJ jatuh UMNO kukuh,
KJ belah UMNO gagah.

KJ jatuh UMNO kukuh,
Sudah terang lagi bersuluh,
Jangan pula tunggu disuruh,
Harapnya si KJ tidaklah bodoh.

You want peace you've got to leave in one piece...
and stop crying please!!!

KJ belah UMNO gagah,
Tapi Bro Jinggo jadi gelabah,
Macam askar hilang arah,
Periuk nasi tertutup sudah.

KJ jatuh UMNO kukuh,
Dalam parti no more kecoh,
Barisan Pemuda kembali utuh,
Kepada Razali mereka patuh.

KJ belah UMNO gagah,
Parpu sergah KJ gelabah,
Dihantar SMS nak bincang masalah,
Parpu just kata CAIT POORAH!!!

KJ jatuh UMNO kukuh,
Bukan kami nak cari gaduh,
Tapi si KJ memang gelojoh,
Sana sini bikin kecoh.

Do I look like a trouble maker? Denial!

Selagi KJ tak serah kalah,
Kami tetap akan belasah,
Tanpa mengira penah lelah,
Supaya UMNO kembali gagah.


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Parpu Kari Hits 1 Million

Probably many would consider that reaching 1 million hits is not such a big fuss nowadays, I agree. However for an unpaid pro UMNO blogger who just started his blog last December and reached 1 million hits in less than a year, I would consider it as an achievement, and Parpu Kari deserves a compliment. Congratulation.

Even though words spread in blogosphere as well as in FB circle that Parpu's blog should only be treated like a pinch of salt, a simple fact we cannot simply deny is that House of PK is able to attract audience and crowds. In average House of PK manages to get around 8000 hit daily.

Psssttt ... there's a blog known as established for more than two years. Has it reached 1 million? It won't because the blog has zero substance and most of the time zero audience.

House of PK normally dwells with the troubling PAKATAN as well as the menacing son-in-law, a stinky garbage left by Dollah. Parpu believes that as long as Khairy is still in UMNO, the party is burdened with a heavy liability, and this notion is genuinely shared by many.

For that reason Parpu has created enemies at all angles, either from PR supporters or within UMNO circle, particularly among pro KJ bloggers. Recently Parpu has been falsely accused of stealing money from UMB, an allegation made by a full time KJ ass kisser that goes by the name Jamil Abdul Rahman. Wow the conflict has now turned sour and personal.

The truth is even officers in UMB were not aware of the allegation. It was purely fabricated by KJ's goons to tarnish Parpu's reputation. Well Parpu was not alone, and Parpu has never been alone. If the conflict becomes even dirtier there will more knights surfacing to confront the evil force of son-in-law known as the joker boys.

Tolong Omak! Jamil! Jinggo! Remy! ...
Parpu and Piggy nak belasah kita lagi ... HU HU HU

With this 1 million hit, Parpu knows he's got audience, and I reckon that Parpu becomes more determined to further proceed with what he truly believes in, unmask the troubling PR and expose the manacing son-in-law.


Monday, October 19, 2009

Bangsar Is Better Than Majlis Hari Raya

Among the reasons why Dollah was overwhelmingly despised during his four years of reign was that Dollah never held to his promises. That's why Dollah is known as Mr Flip-flopper. The rate Dollah was lying was genuinely alarming, to the extent some people were shocked with the kind of changes that took place in Mr Clean.

Dollah is the worst PM we ever had, no doubt about that. His name is becoming significantly smaller and smaller, and I guess he will later be totally ignored. Ironically some pathetic bloggers tried to deny the facts that Mr Clean was actually Mr Messy by publishing articles that placed Dollah as a mythical figure ... WA KA KA KA.

KJ's pathetic troopers are actually a kind of pathetic life creature that lives on sucking KJ's balls. Their very existence in cyber world is to write articles that make it sound Pak Lah and KJ are still relevant though the substance written is purely nonsense.

Me speaks no fiction buddy! I found this comment in FB the night N31 BP was declared a victory.

What was Dollah's contribution exactly that lead to BP's victory?

SEE .... you now what I mean buddy? HI HI HI .....

Okey back to Dollah story. Knowing that he is gradually forgotten, Dollah should make a full use of any invitation to meet the people in the process to clear the water. Hoever, the fact is once a liar always a liar though his kain pelikat is severely on fire.

Dollah didn't turn up for a Majlis Hari Raya at Ancasa Hotel organized by supporters from his constituency, Kepala Batas and the reason was due to bad health. However at the same time Dollah was spotted at Bangsar with his beloved son-out-law.

Ayoyo Dollah ... why like that one maaa? Your name is slowly fading and disappearing into the thin air and you still can afford to enjoy a night life at Bangsar instead of meeting your humble supporters. I heard that a group seven buses had come all the way from Kepala Batas to celebrate Hari Raya with Dollah at Ancasa Hotel.

How could you Dollah give such a lame excuse for not showing up at an event while you were the main guest? This wasn't the first time Dollah shattered people's hope. And worst still Dollah had obviously lied. He preferred to go to Bangsar instead of meeting the people, was this another bad advice from your son-out-law?

Pity you Dollah, such a high hope given to you in 2004 but it was shattered to pieces in the hands of your son-out-law. Thank God you had found the exit door, or things could have been worst now.