Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Powerful Brand KJ Part 2


I’m still trying to understand the phenomenon of Brand KJ. From what I learnt Brand KJ has the ability to attract crowd, and better still to draw votes as it occurred in recently concluded UMNO election. So I presume The Powerful Brand KJ will be the driving force for BN machinery in the coming by-elections.

However I also learnt from Saudara Kamarulzaman Kamdias that The Powerful Brand KJ is quarantined. The Powerful Brand KJ will not be sold to the voters in the by-elections. Now it puzzles me because if really The Brand KJ has got its power, now is the best to sell it more and more.

So why is it QUARANTINED? Was the brand contaminated with MELAMINE?


Cry For Help Vs Rebel Without A Cause

Wenger proudly mentioned in A Voice’s blog that The Brand KJ is equivalent to James Dean in politics. Well everybody knows James Dean, rebel without a cause. Jimmy Dean needs no cry for help. The moment James Dean appeared in public, the crowd would rush for him.

However our James Khairy Dean in politics is in the opposite. In his famous blog Rembau Dot Net he is now crying for help, Berilah Saya Peluang. I guess James Dean is not the best analogy to Khairy when politics is concerned. Not only they have very significant difference in the looks, but also the moment KJ appeared in public the crowd would not rush for him. Instead they would be shouting CORRUPTION CORRUPTION CORRUPTION.


Wenger could not simply hide his feeling that he has missed me. In one of his blog entries he wrote this:

I have given enough time for the ex-supporters of Team Berani Berubah to grieve over their loss. It seems as usual the only fair headed and level guy is Pemuda IKS. He has sensibly called for more cooperation amongst the Jentera Pemuda which will help UMNO face the challenge of the by-elections.

The rest like Another Brick in Wall, Piggy Singh and so many others are still crying like a bunch of babies. They still cannot accept defeat. They still want UMNO to fight amongst itself. Worse still, those like Piggy have many DM supporters in his kandang, and so unless DM does not want another salvo of attack from Wenger Khairy, my warning is simple - CEASE AND DESIST or you will forever be known not as Berani Berubah but instead as TAKUT KALAH.
Was it another threat Wenger? What makes you feel that you can control every blogger?

Well Wenger if you still remember you publicly admitted that I never was a fan of Berani Berubah. So my name should not be in the equation.

If you can see clearly I am assisting you now to inform the citizens of virtual world what is The Powerful Brand KJ all about as part of the post PEMILIHAN UMNO analysis.

If you think that my articles smell like anti-Khairy, you should also thank me since you previously stated at A Voice’s blog, the more hammering is done – the more powerful The Brand will become. Unless you don’t even know what you are talking about.

Chao for now, I’m consuming my working hour.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Wenger Says The Brand Khairy Won The KP - So Was It McDonald or KFC?

"If Khairy were The Brand for fried chicken alternative to KFC, the taste would be nothing close to Finger Licking, in fact it would be DISGUSTING".
Piggy Singh

I guess nobody ever closely confronted Wenger J Khairy in virtual world except for a few of us, MANTRA, Doc Sid and Piggy Singh.

In my case I have a rather long history with Wenger J Khairy. He started as my close blogpal during my infant years in virtual world. Later he became my sworn enemy, provoking me to turn up for debates at his previous blog, which he later deleted. I did turn up for every invitation and every time the debate went hot, guess what? Wenger was stripped naked and chickened out.

After a few hot debates Wenger posed a threat on me, which I thought it looked real and genuine. I sought advice from respected bloggers like Dato’ Ti and Mat Cendana (MC), and MC took the initiative to write a post about the threat. When I was making such a big fuss about the threat, Wenger later claimed that it was only a joke, such a humiliation.

Wenger posed a threat after being stripped naked

Well enough of history lesson. I found this comment written by Wenger J Khairy at A Voice’s blog:

KJ was hammered by the RPK, by you lot, by the legendary TDM, heck even by a mysterious Piggy Singh. But it is quite clear, the more you hammer, the more people want to stop and ask themselves the question - Why? One of KJ's strongest points is Brand KJ. That’s what you fail to understand, what’s in a brand? Everything bro What’s in Coca Cola? What’s in Mc Donalds? What’s in NIKE? And now let me in on a little secret - Brand Power KJ increases every time 'THEY' Attack him. Yes Sir, KJ is the James Dean of politics, the rebel, the young man who faces the legendary Tun but just keeps his silence.
So it was The Brand Khairy that wins the KP. Well Wenger, I hate to say this but I definitely agree with the strength of Brand Khairy. To support your notion, let’s go back to PRU 13, it was The Brand Khairy that made PAKATAN win five states. It was the The Brand Khairy with a marketing tagline Padedoh that helped PAS and PAKATAN gain more seats in Kelantan. It was The Brand Khairy with excessive marketing and publicity that made fence sitters vote for Anwari at PP. Wait a minute, in this case The Brand Power KJ is actually not selling, as a matter of fact it’s backfiring.

Wenger failed to realize that The Power Brand Padedoh was backfired

However what makes The Brand Khairy sell to UMNO youth delegates? If KJ is the brand for our new Malaysian made high speed racing motorbike, the motorcycles will be selling like hot cakes to ONLY Mat Rempit since Khairy is highly revered by that particular crowd. Somehow it’s almost impossible that all 304 delegates who voted for KJ are motorcycle enthusiasts.

Motorsikal Brand Khairy, waa mesti beli. Nanti waa boleh buat panjat pokok kelapa dan bawak pi terjun Antartika. Waa caya laa...

So it remains mysterious what was The Brand that 304 UMNO youth delegates saw in Khairy. I don’t think all delegates that voted for Khairy saw him as a brand of high speed motorbike, unless all of them are Mat Rempit.

Another possibility is that all these 304 youth delegates that voted for Khairy saw him as a brand for an ancient lamp, like Aladdin lamp.

An ancient lamp Brand Khairy, get close to it, make your wish, guaranteed thick notes will be in your pocket.

The difference is that with Aladdin lamp, one has to rub so that the genie will come out. However with the ancient lamp that carries The Brand Khairy no rubbing is necessary. And thus there’s no genie. One will get his wish by getting closer to it. There are term and condition for the buyer, the lamp Brand Khairy only works once in every 3 to 4 years.

There is another product that Brand KJ can sell very fast, I am telling no further but Tuan Husin has the answer here.
Well Tani Mancha!!!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

In the Name of The Father, The Son-in-law, and The Holy Corrupt Followers - Let's Get Ourselves Cangkuls and Shovels

In the hands of THE FATHER

A Sleepy Prime Minister,

and A Disgraced UMNO leader.

Though he is leaving, the NIGHTMARE is not yet over.

Now enter the disgraced SON-IN-LAW.

And his HOLY corrupt followers.

Though they are now celebrating with their pom pom boys,

their victory may spell death to UMNO.

So I like to urge fellow UMNO sympathizers, let's get ourselves cangkuls and shovels since the death of UMNO is very near. Doesn't matter how ugly and pathetic UMNO has become in the hands of THE FATHER, THE SON-in-law and HOLY corrupt follows, a party that was once glorious before would deserve a proper funeral.

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